Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Boom Baden Baden" the Photoalbum

Long time no see.

I successfully survived Oktoberfest with 4.5 liters of Oktoberfest beer and a week long vacation on Tenerife with my mom and grandma (not much survival skills needed there). It was relaxing and for the first time this year, I got a bit of color.

As promised, the pictures from Baden Baden.

Tomorrow, I start my one week internship in general surgery at my university hospital. So, as always, I will be letting you know what goes on in the OR, on ward and any interesting gossip that so frequently happens in hospitals (they are their own little world).

In traditional garments
They bought us cookies, how fitting
First night dinner in Le Bistro

PKay's Birthday cake in Strasbourg





Flamkuchen in Strasbourg

The fancy schmancy private hospital

Our humble abode for the week

The lunches at the hospital were WAY better than what we have

Getting work done.....sort of

YUM! Herb SpƤtzle
Off we go to the spa

The birthday treats the department got for PKay

The Barium (Elmer's Glue look alike) I drank

Our Area

See y'all tomorrow!

Baci, V

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